Our Portfolio of Products, Solutions & Services
ENTERPRISE NETWORKINGΣε συνεργασία με καταξιωμένους Οίκους ανάπτυξης συστημάτων ασύρματης δικτύωσης , είμαστε σε θέση να καλύψουμε οποιαδήποτε ανάγκη από Δίκτυα M2M έως και High Density HotSpots.
Οι λύσεις που παρέχουμε αφορούν σε ,
FIXED WIRELESS SOLUTIONSNetwork operators all face similar challenges: the need to provide a highly reliable service with ever-increasing capacity and serving more subscribers in extremely challenging environments. Operators need the ability to cost-effectively deploy these point-to-multipoint (PtMP) fixed wireless networks across a wide range of scenarios. To address the multitude of deployment scenarios, frequencies and budgets, Cambium Networks offers purpose-built point-to-multipoint broadband access solutions across four distinct platforms: PMP 450, ePMP, cnRanger LTE and cnWave.
SMART POWER SOLUTIONSThanks to smart PoE supply every standard and not standard load such as PoE+, 802.3af & 802.2at devices, IP-Cameras, IP-Phones, PBXs, Access Point, Switches, CPEs, Routers, providing Output Voltage in case of black out. The Output supply is selectable in continous way between 24V up to 52V.